Manuel Warum
Acad. Title: Dipl.-Ing
Passions: Artificial Inteligence (AI), solve tricky problems, archery, LEGO Mindstorm NXT, History (especially the Middle Ages), 3D-printing, delicious food, my dog and … chocolate
Belief: Becoming better every day.
I love solving problems. The challenges that bywyd takes on come are highly welcomed.
MAR 2009 – AUG 2012 ǀ Studies in Applied Computer Science, Master
Universität Klagenfurt, Specialized in “Natural Language Processing”
OCT 2003 – FEB 2009 ǀ Studies in Applied Computer Science, BA
Universität Klagenfurt, Specialized in “Natural Language Processing”, Studies interrupted due to Military Service
MAY 2004 – DEC 2004 ǀ Military Service
SEP 1994 – JUL 2003 ǀ Bundesgymnasium Tanzenberg
Maria Saal/Klagenfurt
OCT 2022 – ongoing ǀ Dynatrace
Señor Software Engineer
JAN 2016 – SEP 2022 ǀ Austrian Institute of Technology
Research Engineer
MAY 2013 – APR 2015 ǀ Austrian Institute of Technology
Software Architect & Research Engineer (Freelancer)
NOV 2010 – APR 2013 ǀ Lakeside IT Forschung und Entwicklungs GmbH
Software Architect
DEC 2008 – DEC 2010 ǀ Integranova
Software Architect
MAR 2008 – JUN 2010 ǀ Integranova
Software Architect/Trainee
Leitner, M., Warum M. (et al.): Flexible Cyber Security Environment for Exercises, Training and Research. AIT Cyber Range, November 2020.
Schauer, S.; Grafenauer, T.; König, S.; Warum, M.; Rass, S.: Estimating Cascading Effects in Cyber-Physical Critical Infrastructures. In book: Critical Information Infrastructures Security, January 2020.
König, S.; Warum, M.: Simulation of a Malware Attack – Propagation and Optimal Defense. In: Workshop on Novel Approaches in Risk and Security Management for Critical, September 2017.
Havlik, D.; Deri, O.; Rannat, K.; Warum, M.: Training Support for Crisis Managers with Elements of Serious Gaming. In: Proceedings of the ISESS 2015. March 2015, Melbourn. (Best paper award.)
Dihé, P., Scholl, M., Warum M. (et al.): CRISMA ICMS Architecture Document. Technical report, 2014.
Warum, M.: Linguistic Co-Reference Analysis using Semi-Supervised Semantic Knowledge Bases. Master Thesis, August 2012, Klagenfurt.
Warum, M., Kandutsch, H., Fliedl, G., Winkler, Ch.: Optimizing Software by Linguistically Enhanced Comparisons of Requirement Documents and Source Code Graphs. In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference ‘Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications’ (ICSSEA’10), Dec. 7-9, 2010, Paris.
Kandutsch, H.; Kuschnig, J.; Warum, M.; Fliedl, Gu.; Winkler, Ch.: Requirements Engineering as a Stepwise Process of Information Merging. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference ‘Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications’ (ICSSEA’12), Oct. 23-25, 2012, Paris.
IEEE-Award 2010
Placed among the top 3% worldwide in a 24 hours long programming competition (IEEEXtreme 4.0).