Gabriele Frankl
Acad. Title: Dr.
Passions: Further development, unfolding of potential, growth mindset, reading, my dog, nature, yoga, food, laughter, animal welfare, environmental protection and …chocolate.
Belief: Becoming better every day.
From an early age I have been fascinated by learning and knowledge. It seemed to me that almost all the problems in our world were due to a lack of knowledge: a lack of knowledge about how to treat each other in an affectionate and appreciative way; a lack of knowledge about how to further develop ourselves; a lack of knowledge that animals feel and suffer just like we do. I wanted to change this. I devoured books, helped develop knowledge management systems, wrote my dissertation on “win-for-all” and set up eLearning at the Universität Klagenfurt. But all that has not yet led me to my goal.
Now the time is ripe and the experience is there ‘for the next big thing’: bywyd! Together with a great team, we want to support people to unfold their potential and help others to do the same. I am deeply convinced that people who are allowed to develop and live their potential and are valued for it are not only happier, but also more peaceful and respectful towards all life. Our society urgently needs people who develop their talents, are happy, peaceful and respectful – and contribute their potential for their own good and that of all. That’s why I don’t stop imagining a better world. Because that is the only way to improve it.
SEP 2004 – SEP 2010 ǀ PhD
Universität Klagenfurt: “win-for-all. Win-win-Konstellationen im Wissensmanagement” (translation: “win-for-all. Win-win-constellations in knowledge management”)
OCT 1996 – APR 2002 ǀ Studies in German Philology/Media Communication
Universität Klagenfurt: “Natürliche und Künstliche Intelligenz am Beispiel der Syntaxanalyse natürlicher Sprachen” (translation: “Natural and artificial intelligence using the example of syntax analysis of natural languages”)
OCT 1997 – JUN 2003 ǀ Studies inApplied Computer Science
Universität Klagenfurt
SEP 2021 – ongoing ǀ IFA Unternehmensberatung GmbH
Project management “Validierung von Kompetenzen” (“Validation of competences”)
APR 2021 – ongoing ǀ Self-employed
Setting up bywyd, coaching and training
APR 2008 – MAR 2021 ǀ Universität Klagenfurt
Building up and leading the department of eLearning Service
MAR 2019 – NOV 2019 ǀ Universität Klagenfurt
Project management of the KWF-project “Umsetzung innovativer Gründungsvorhaben” (“Implementation of innovative start-up projects”)
NOV 2017 – JUL 2018 ǀ Universität Klagenfurt
Interim Head of the Quality Management Unit
MAR 2004 – MAR 2008 ǀ Universität Klagenfurt
University Assistant at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Department of New Media – Technology – Culture
MAY 2006 – DEC 2006 ǀ Universität Klagenfurt
Project collaborateur in the projects “Development of the eEducation module – E-ltis project (elearning and
-teaching in Schools)” and “Sammlung von Lehrstragiebeispielen. eEducation-Designs – Lehrstragien – mikrodidaktische Muster” (““Collection of teaching examples. eEducation designs – teaching strategies – microdidactic patterns.”)
OCT 2005 – OCT 2007 ǀ Universität Klagenfurt
Project collaborateur in the Leonardo-project “Entwicklung und Erprobung eines pfadabhängigen, lernerzentrierten Blended Learning Konzepts als Best Practise für den Bereich E-Business” (Development and testing of a path-dependent, learner-centred blended learning concept as best practice for the field of e-business”)
JUN 2005 – JUN 2007 ǀ Universität Klagenfurt
Collaborateur in the “Gruppe eLearning-Strategieentwicklung (GELSE)” (“Working Group eLearning strategy development”)
OCT 2006 – OCT 2007 ǀ Universität Klagenfurt
Project collaborateur “eLearning in der Lehrlingsausbildung. Ein neues Medium für eine neue Generation” (“eLearning in apprenticeship training. A new medium for a new generation”)
NOV 2004 – OCT 2006 ǀ Universität Klagenfurt
Coordination management of the project “Learning For Production” and the follow-up project “Learning for Production II”. Conceptualisation of a practicable eLearning system for Mondi Packaging Paper AG Austria
AUG 2003 – OCT 2006 ǀ Universität Klagenfurt
Employee at the eBusiness-department of the Universität Klagenfurt
SEP 2003 – FEB 2004 ǀ Universität Klagenfurt
Research assistant at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Department of New Media – Technology – Culture
MAR 2003 – AUG 2003 ǀ Mondi Packaging Paper AG Austria
Practical semester. Development of the knowledge management and eLearning system “Knowledge for Production“ (KFP) in cooperation with addIT
OCT 2002 – FEB 2003 ǀ Mondi Packaging Paper AG Austria
Creation of a requirements specification for the knowledge management and eLearning system ”Knowledge for Production” (KFP)
JUL 2002 – MAR 2003 ǀ Durchblick Tschmelitsch & Partner KEG
Assistant Consultant in Klagenfurt
MAR 2002 – SEP 2002 ǀ Mondi Packaging Paper AG Austria
Internship as part of computer science studies at the Frantschach Pulp & Paper AG Austria (seit 11/04 Mondi Packaging Paper Austria)
MAR 2002 – JUN 2002, MAR 2001 – JUN 2001 ǀ Universität Klagenfurt
Tutor. Leading practice groups for the course “Rekonstruktive Sozialforschung” (“Reconstructive Social Research”)
OCT 2000 – JUL 2001 ǀ Universität Klagenfurt
Project collaborator on the WWW teaching and learning package “Österreichische Literatur im Exil seit 1933” (“Austrian Literature in Exile since 1933”) of the Ministry of Education
JUN 1993 – DEC 2002 ǀ Baum GmbH Klagenfurt/Lisa Film/Modeatelier Haberl
Various activities
Frankl, G.: Digitalisierung macht Schule. Wie das soziale Gefüge Schule digital gestärkt
werden kann, um neue Herausforderungen zu meistern. Erziehung & Unterricht, 1-2, 2020.
Frankl, G., Napetschnig, S., Schartner, P.: Pathways to Successful Online Testing: eExams with the “Secure Exam Environment” (SEE). In: McLaren B., Reilly R., Zvacek S., Uhomoibhi J. (eds) Computer Supported Education. CSEDU 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1022. Springer, 2019.
Frankl, G., Schartner, P., Jost, D.: The “Secure Exam Environment”. Tomorrow’s Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing, Springer, Berlin, Januar 2018, Vol 515, S. 179 – 188.
O’Sullivan, D., Krewer, F., Frankl, G.: Technology enhanced collaborative learning using a project-based learning management system. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, Inderscience, Mai 2017, Vol 9 (1), S. 14 – 36.
Frankl, G., Bitter, S., O’Sullivan, D.: Collaborative Learning (Online) and the Role of Student Engagement in Higher Education. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL 2016, 2016, S. 207 – 215.
Frankl, G.: Balancing Social Dilemmas to Foster Collaborative Learning With Social Software. Amanda Jefferies, Marija Cubric (eds.): Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on e-Learning, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, Oktober 2015, S. 206 – 214.
Frankl, G., Bitter, S., Kaufmann, B.: Win-for-All in Software Engineering Education: Balancing Social Dilemmas to Foster Collaboration. Proceedings 2014 IEEE 27th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), Januar 2014, S. 163 – 167.
Frankl, G., Schoblick, R. H., Zebedin, G., Schartner, P.: Sichere Online Prüfungen an der Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt. Micheuz P., Reiter A., Brandhofer G., Ebner M., Sabitzer B. (eds.): Digitale Schule Österreich, Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft ÖCG, Wien, September 2013.
Frankl, G., Bitter, S.: Collaboration is Smart: Smart Learning Communities. Holzinger A., Pasi G. (eds.): Human-Computer Interaction and Knowledge Discovery in Complex, Unstructured, Big Data, Springer Verlag GmbH, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Juli 2013, S. 293 – 302.
Frankl, G., Saxer, R.: Learning Foreign Languages on the Internet. Working Example “Training Program German Language”. Gómez Chova L., López Martínez A., Candel Torres I. (eds.): INTED2012 Proceedings 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), Barcelona, 2012, S. 3021 – 3030.
Frankl, G., Bitter, S.: Up-to-Date Teaching Requires Up-to-Date Testing: A Survey on Online-Testing. Gómez Chova L., López Martínez A., Candel Torres I. (eds.): INTED2012 Proceedings 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), Barcelona, 2012, S. 2857 – 2864.
Frankl, G.: Common Benefits and Goal Cooperativeness as Driving Forces for Knowledge Management. Gabriel Cegarra J. (eds.): Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Academic Conferences International (ACI), Reading, 2012, S. 341 – 349.
Frankl, G., Bitter, S.: Online Exams: Practical Implications and Future Directions. Beldhuis H. (eds.): The Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on e-Learning , Academic Conferences International (ACI), Reading, 2012, S. 158 – 165.
Frankl, G., Schartner, P., Zebedin, G.: Secure Online Exams using students’ devices. EDUCON (eds.): Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) , IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2012, S. 1 – 7.
Frankl, G., Bitter, S.: Student Perspectives on eLearning in a Blended Learning Context. Lam P. (eds.): Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on eLearning, Academic Conferences International (ACI), Reading, 2012, S. 79 – 88.
Frankl, G., Bitter, S.: Evaluation of blended learning courses. The assessment of the e-tutors. ICL (eds.): 2012 15th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2012.
Frankl, G., Schartner, P., Zebedin, G.: The “Secure Exam Environment” for Online Testing at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt/Austria. ELearn (eds.): Proceedings of the E-Learn 2011. World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake (VA), Oktober 2011, S. 498 – 505.
Frankl, G., Bitter, S.: Blended learning at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. Improving quality and fostering re-academization. ICL (eds.): 2011 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2011, S. 492 – 497.
Frankl, G.: Success for all in Knowledge Management and (e)Learning. ICL (eds.): 2011 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, IEEE, Piscataway (NJ), 2011, S. 498 – 505.
Frankl, G., Bitter, S.: Blended Learning at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. Greeener S., Rospigliosi A. (eds.): Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on e-Learning, Academic Conferences International (ACI), Reading, 2011, S. 274 – 283.
Frankl, G.: win-for-all. win-win-Konstellationen im Wissensmanagement. Dissertation, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, 2010.
Frankl. G., Zederbauer, S.: Blended Learning at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. Initiatives, effects and implications. In: Proceedings of the EDULEARN, International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, EDULEARN10 Proceedings CD, 2010.
Frankl, G., Ossimitz, G.: win-for-all – Going Beyond Zero-Sum Enterprises. In: Robert Trappl (eds.): Cybernetics and Systems 2010. Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, 2010, S. 661 – 667.
Frankl G., Zederbauer S.: Individualisiertes und kollaboratives Blended Learning in der Schule. In: U. Esterl, J. Strugger (eds.): Internet. 33. Jahrgang. Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: StudienVerlag, ide, Heft 2,2009, S. 72 – 80.
Frankl G., Richter D.: Neue Kommunikationskulturen. Chats, Foren, Second Life, Web 2.0, Wikis, Online-Spiele, Blogs etc. In: U. Esterl, J. Strugger (eds.): Internet. 33. Jahrgang. Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: StudienVerlag, ide, Heft 2, 2009, S. 43 – 52.
Frankl G.: Mehr Wissen durch Medien? In: T. Hug (eds.): Media, Knowledge & Education. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, 2008, S. 103 – 117.
Frankl G., Pfeffer Th., Zederbauer S., Steinberger C.: E-Collaboration at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. In: Proceedings of the Apera Conference 2008, National Institute of Education Singapore. Singapore: Asia-Pacific Centre for Education (APERA), 2008, S. 10 – 18.
Anzelak M., Frankl G., Mayr H. C.: Knowledge Management for Production. In: M. Khosrow-Pour (eds.): Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology. Hershey (PA): IGI Global / IGI Publishing (IGIP), 2008.
Frankl, G.: Konkurrieren oder kooperieren – Formen der Leistungserbringung in Learning Communities. In: Ch. Schachtner, A. Höber (eds.): Learning Communities. Das Internet als neuer Lern- und Wissensraum. Frankfurt/Main, New York: Campus Verlag, 2008, S. 210 – 217.
Schachtner Ch., Frankl, G., Höber, A.: Learning for Production. E-Learning in der betrieblichen Bildung am Beispiel der Papierherstellung, in: Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik, H. 1, Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2007, S. 54 – 68.
Frankl G.: Mobile and Motivating. How something very small can become big. Proceedings of Microlearning Conference 2006, 2007.
Frankl G.: E-mpowerment. Mehr Selbstvertrauen und Selbstlernkompetenz durch Kommunikation und Lernen im virtuellen Raum, 2006. Online: 5_Empowerment_Frankl.pdf.
Anzelak M., Frankl G., Ebner W.: Building up Knowledge like a “Rubik Cube”. In: Dan Remenyi (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Knowledge Management. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 2006, S. 10 – 19.
Frankl. G.: Workspace Learning Project: Designing Parts of a Puzzle – The Road to a Successful Outcome. In: Theo Hug, Peter A. Bruck, Martin Lindner (eds.): Proceedings of Microlearning 2005: Learning & Working in New Media Environments. Microlearning: Emerging Concepts, Practices and Technologies. Innsbruck: University Press., 2006, S. 195 – 204.
Frankl. G.: eUsability. Emergente Usability und Accessibility im Knowledge Management und eLearning. In: Guido Kempter, Philipp von Hellberg (eds.): uDayIV, Information nutzbar machen. Zusammenfassung der Beiträge zum Usability Day IV. 2006, Dornbirn: Papst.
Schachtner Ch., Roth, C., Frankl, G.: Mediales Lernen im Kindergarten. Ein mediendidaktisch-pädagogisches Konzept zum Einsatz des Computers im Vorschulalter, in: Medienimpulse, H. 53, 9/2005, S. 39 – 52, online:
Online-Fireside talk for the Virtuelle Pädagogische Hochschule 2021, invited
Online-Prüfen (Online-exams)
Online-Panel discussion for the fnma Austria 2020, invited
E-Assessment und E-Examination
Online-Panel discussion for the World Assessment Council 2020, invited
Is Online-Proctoring a Necessary Evil?
Online-Presentation for the fnma Austria 2020, invited
eTesting at the Universität Klagenfurt, fnma-Talks ,Online at:, approx. from minute 56:30
Klagenfurt 2020, invited
Lehre in Zeiten digitaler Veränderungen (“Teaching in times of digital change”), Teaching Day of the IFF, Universität Klagenfurt
Ravensburg/Weingarten 2019, invited
Online-Prüfungen (Online-exams), University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten
Wien 2019, invited
Online-Klausuren in einem BYOD-Szenario, (Online-exams in a BYOD-environment), Vienna University of Economics and Business
Krems 2019, invited
(Sichere) Online-Klausuren & Digitale Innovationen in der Lehre ([Secure] Online Exams & Digital Innovations in Teaching), IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
Melbourne 2018, Keynote, invited
The Austrian Experience with e-Exams, Monash University, Symposium Transforming Exams
Barcelona 2017
Bring Your Own Device to Secure Online Exams – Challenges to Support Students‘ Devices, Technology Enhanced Assessment Conference (TEA)
Dublin 2017
The “Secure Exam Environment“: eTesting at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, WCCE 2017
Klagenfurt 2017
Surfen im Wunderland. Erfahrungsreflexionen über digitales Lernen in der Schule, Der Mensch im Digitalen Zeitalter (Surfing in Wonderland. Reflections on experience of digital learning in school, Man in the Digital Age)
Klagenfurt 2017
Online-Prüfungen mit der „Sicheren Prüfungsumgebung“ (Online.-testing with the “Secure Exam Environement”), University of Applied Sciences Carinthia
Prag 2016
Collaborative Learning (Online) and the Role of Student Engagement in Higher Education, 15th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL 2016
Wien 2015
Online-Prüfungen mit der „Sicheren Prüfungsumgebung“ und Moodle” (Online.-testing with the “Secure Exam Environement” and with Moodle), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Klagenfurt 2015
Aktivierung von Studierenden durch Win For All und eLearning (Engaging Students: Activation through Win For All and eLearning)
Hatfield 2015
Balancing Social Dilemmas to Foster Collaborative Learning With Social Software, 14th European Conference on e-Learning
Maribor 2013
Collaboration is Smart: Smart Learning Communities, Third International Workshop, HCI-KDD 2014
Groningen 2012
Online Exams: Practical Implications and Future Directions, 11th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL 2012
Cartagena 2012
Common Benefits and Goal Cooperativeness as Driving Forces for Knowledge Management, 13th European conference on Knowledge Management
Valencia 2012
Learning Foreign Languages on the Internet – Working Example „Training Proram German Language“; Up-To-Date Teaching requires Up-To-Date Testing: A Survey on Online Testing, 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Brighton 2011
Blended Learning at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, ECEL 2011
Honolulu 2011
The „Secure Exam Environment“ for Online Testing at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, E-LEARN 2011
Piestany 2011
Success for all in Knowledge Management and (e)Learning; Blended Learning at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt: Improving Quality and Fostering Re-Academization, ICL 2011

* Data based on the ‘esc value, competence and potential analysis’ according to Prof. Clare Graves (Graves model).
** Data based on education, work experience and self-assessment