bywyd For Enterprises
Retaining Talent in the Company
Bonding is created through attention and appreciation. bywyd identifies relevant potentials of employees in order to be able to give them attention - through other people, not through systems.
What is the use?
Honest attention – for our strong and less strong sides – is worth its weight in gold. But unfortunately rare. Companies that give their employees this attention are attractive employers for longer periods of time – especially for people who like to develop themselves further. And in times of great dynamism and complexity, these people are even more valuable to companies than gold.
Knowledge sharing needs trust, and building trust needs time. If talented employees stay in the company, the chances of valuable knowledge transfer and interdisciplinary exchange increase – as a basis for innovative solutions.
Neuroscience shows that people are happier when they cooperate successfully with others. And we can feel this ourselves. But social networks have to grow first – and have the opportunity to do so if talented employees stay in the company.
We know from game theory: The more short-term a relationship is, the more likely we are to look out only for our own advantage. When companies and employees commit to each other, true development is possible for both sides. So that success remains.

Warum digital Menschliches unterstützen?
Talente suchen nicht mehr nur "Arbeitgeber*innen". Sie suchen ein Umfeld, das zu ihnen passt, das sie wahr- und ernst nimmt. Das kann Unternehmen und Vorgesetzte aber auch leicht überfordern und für beide Seiten wenig zufriedenstellend verlaufen. bywyd ermöglicht, auch die individuellen Bedürfnisse von Talenten nicht aus dem Blick zu verlieren und liefert Know-how, wie diese erfüllt werden können. Damit beide Seiten lange Zeit gut miteinander arbeiten und leben können.